Have Knife - Will Travel

Welcome to travelingmohel.com! If you are expecting a boy, or if your son has just been born, and you live in an area without a local mohel (or the local mohel is unavailable, or you are exploring other options), travelingmohel.com is the address for you.

I come highly recommended by happy parents, rabbis and physicians, and have developed the traveling for a bris down to a science so that you have the best experience possible from a traveling mohel, your baby is given the attention he needs and deserves, and we remain in constant contact until your baby is completely healed from his bris (circumcision).

I currently live in South Florida, making me an ideal candidate to fly anywhere in the Caribbean or the United States. I am open to flying just about anywhere in the world!

For more information about me and my thoughts on bris milah/ brit milah/ berit milah, please see my regular blog at http://www.mohelinsouthflorida.com/

Click here to read the inaugural thoughts of this website/blog. This posting is the important first step in understanding what I offer and how my mohel services will best fit your needs.


Austin, TX and then some

"Can you come to camp for a bris?"


So I flew to Austin, TX, and drove an hour to my final destination.

Some of the sites on the way.

A few firsts:
* I've never done a bris in a summer camp
* I've never done a bris with so many young people watching the procedure
* I've never done a bris at which the baby's father wore pink shorts!

Here's the setup:

Bris was very nice - certainly a new experience on many levels.  
As there were no flights home afterwards, I had to spend the night - which worked out nicely for the baby, as my care for him becomes extended through necessity.

Here's my post bris view, lounging on a rocking chair in a late, dry, Texas afternoon.

It's really nice here. I'm not used to the dryness, as in all my former and current living places there was/is always some humidity to contend with.

But I also know I'll remember this bris for a long time, when the baby was brought to summer workplace for his bris.

Kind of like Moses' son, who was to be circumcised on the road to Egypt (Shmot 4:23). But in this journey and heat, there is air conditioning!

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